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Transform Your Memories into Art

Transform your customised rug into a unique eye-catcher with just a few clicks. Design your own carpet with your personalised image, slogan or logo.

Bring Your Memories to Life on a Carpet

Turn your cherished memories into a lasting keepsake with a custom carpet. Upload your favorite photos to create a unique piece that showcases the moments that matter most. From family portraits to travel snapshots, design a rug that tells your story and transforms any room into a space filled with personal warmth.

What We Do

Our expertise lies in the production of customised carpets and logo mats in various sizes. These unique pieces are customised with your personal designs, images or logos. The carpets originate from Persia and are finished in Germany. They can be used not only as floor coverings, but also as wall portraits or in picture frames on desks or in children's rooms. Let your imagination run wild and get a rug that will inspire you, whether for yourself, as a gift for a loved one or even for our four-legged friends.